On Display
Object type

Portrait of Isambard Kingdom Brunel


Portrait of Robert Stephenson


Albert, Prince Consort


Engraved portrait of Robert Stephenson


Engraving 'Portrait of the late Robert Stephenson', by D J Pound from photograph by Mayall

Albert, Prince Consort




His Royal Highness, the Prince Consort


Albert, Prince Consort


132x162mm red Morocco leather case with two latches. Lined with plain red plush. Rectangular gilt mat with domed top. Picture bound but not framed. (One latch broken). 85x115mm daguerreotype full length portrait of mother with her four daughters. One sitting on her knees, the other three standing. Fully tinted. Some tarnishing along bottom edge.

Daguerreotype In Red Morocco Case by Mayall

Daguerreotype by Mayall, dated 29th May 1850. Subject: Mr. Gough.

Daguerreotype by Mayall


Uncut block of carte-de-visite studio portraits of a standing man beside a seated woman, taken at the studio of John Mayall in 1863. Inscribed in pencil on reverse '15217 / Mr E Fesson (?) & Lady / 6 March 63 / Resit'.

Uncut Block of Carte-de-Visite Portraits of Mr E Fesson & Lady


Unmounted cabinet card studio portrait of a standing gentleman in an embroided coat carrying a hat and walking stick, taken at the studio of John Mayall in the 1860s. Inscribed in pencil on reverse 'Mr Conolly (sic) MP / 5874'. Thomas Connolly (1823-1876) was MP for Donegal from 1849 until his death in 1876.

Unmounted Cabinet Card Portrait of Mr Conolly (sic) MP


Uncut block of four carte-de-visite portraits, produced at the photographic studio of John Mayall in 1863. Inscribed in pencil on reverse '15222 / Mrs S Hardy / 6 March 63'.

Uncut Block of Four Carte-de-Visite Portraits of Mrs S Hardy


Uncut block of carte-de-visite portraits of a young boy, produced at the photographic studio of John Mayall in 1863. Bottom left portrait cut from block, three remaining. Inscribed in pencil on reverse '15089 / Master George Gower / 23 March 63'.

Cut Block of Carte-de-Visite Portraits of George Gower


Ten photographic contact sheets, mostly carte-de-visite size, reputedly from the studio of John Jabez Edwin Mayall, all but one dated 1863.

Ten Photographic Contact Sheets, Mostly Carte-de-visite Size


Albumen print carte-de-visite mounted on card, by John Jabez Edwin Mayall, 224 Regent Street, London. Seated portrait of Edward Smith-Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby (1799-1869). Photographer's stamp on verso.

The Earl of Derby


Uncut block of carte-de-visite studio portraits of a young girl stood by a chair on whihc rests a flower basket, taken at the studio of John Mayall in 1863. Inscribed in pencil on reverse '16682 /Miss Lucy Lemer (?) / 2 July 63 / 24 copies'.

Uncut Block of Carte-de-Visite Portraits of Miss Lucy Lemer


Uncut block of carte-de-visite studio portraits of a woman stood by a chair, taken at the studio of John Mayall in 1863. Inscribed in pencil on reverse '12 of this / 15262 / Miss Chessman / 16 March 63'.

Uncut Block of Carte-de-Visite Portraits of Miss Chessman


Uncut block of carte-de-visite studio portraits of a woman stood at a writing desk, taken at the studio of John Mayall in 1863. Inscribed in pencil on reverse '15222 / Mrs J Hardy / 6 March 63 resit'.

Uncut Block of Carte-de-Visite Portraits of Mrs J Hardy


Uncut block of carte-de-visite studio portraits of a woman stood by a chair, taken at the studio of John Mayall in 1863. Inscribed in pencil on reverse '15179 / Mrs F Hoodley / 26 March 63 resitting'.

Uncut Block of Carte-de-Visite Portraits of Mrs F Hoodley


Half a block of carte-de-visite studio portraits (two prints) of a woman standing behind a banister, taken at the studio of John Mayall in 1863. Inscribed in pencil on reverse '15345 / Mrs J Cost... / 26 March 63'.

Uncut Block of Carte-de-Visite Portraits of Mrs J Cost...


Uncut block of carte-de-visite studio portraits of a woman stood holding a chair back, taken at the studio of John Mayall in 1863. Inscribed in pencil on reverse '15213 / Miss Jones / 6 March 63'.

Uncut Block of Carte-de-Visite Portraits of Miss Jones


Stereo-daguerreotype by Mayall. Subject: John Henry Jenkinson.

Stereo-daguerreotype by Mayall

Stereoscopic coloured daguerreotype by Mayall. 6 7/8" x 3 3/8". Subject: portrait of a lady.

Stereoscopic coloured daguerreotype portrait of lady

Tinted Cartes-de-Visites of Royal Family in a leather acordion-style case and box, by John Jabez Edwin Mayall, 1860s. Part of Rickett's collection. Photographs of 'The Queen HRH The Prince Consort', 'The Queen HRH Princess Beatrice', 'The Queen', 'HRH The Prince Consort', 'HRH The Princess Fredercik William of Prussia', 'HRH The Prince of Wales HRH Princess Alice', 'HRH The Prince of Wales', 'HRH Prince Alfred', 'HRH Princess Helena HRH Princess Louisa', 'HRH Princess Helena', 'HRH Princess Louisa', 'HRH Prince Arthur HRH Leopold', 'HRH Prince Arthur', HRH Princess Beatrice'.

Tinted Cartes-de-Visites of Royal Family in Leather Case


Tinted daguerreotype by Mayall. Subject: old lady.

Tinted daguerreotype by Mayall. Subject: old lady.

Daguerreotype, hand coloured by JE Mayall Studios, undated. Half-plate, cased - Male Sitter, unidentified H

Hand-tinted daguerreotype portrait

Albumen print carte-de-visite mounted on card, by John Jabez Edwin Mayall, 224 Regent Street, London. Seated portrait of Edward Smith-Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby (1799-1869). Photographer's stamp on verso.

Earl Derby


Decorated cardboard box with albumen print on lid. Engraving 'A summer noon - Hampton Court'. Inside a ten cardboard boxes containing sewing needles each decorated with a reduced CDV photograph by Mayall of members of the royal family including Princesses Helena, Beatrice, Louisa of Prussia, Princes Arthur and Leopold of Prussia and Queen Victoria and Prince Consort together.

Box of needles decorated with photographs


Cased daguerreotype; 4" x 5" tinted portrait of a little boy in a dress, by John Mayall.

Hand-coloured daguerreotype portrait of little boy, c1850


Hand tinted stereo daguerreotype, cased with viewer, portrait of young man, by John Jabez Edwin Mayall, 222 Regent Street.

Portrait of Young Man
